Thursday, January 27, 2011


Today was an eventful day in the household (although not for me, thankfully!).  My two tico brothers went to a big pool today which was kind of like the equivalent of an American water park, I think.  Families here check in a lot with each other, so our mama tica had called them a couple times during the morning/early afternoon to make sure they had gotten there ok, were doing ok, etc.  Around 2, mama tica received a call from one of the brothers that said "We're at the hospital. But don't worry, Luis is fine" and poor mama tica was so worried all day! She couldn't go get them because the hospital is too far away so her daughter did, and she was so worried because she couldn't go and kept imagining the worst. They came back a couple hours ago and one of the boys had to get a couple stitches, but luckily he's completely fine.

To add to our poor mama tica's day, both Julian and my roomate are a little, little bit sick, but enough to worry mama. And, when she had finished making dinner, she looked in the pot of arroz con pollo and amidst the white rice and chicken saw a little bitty black speck...a fly. So she had to throw the whole thing out and make it again (I can imagine that stuff like this happens occasionally..I have had to fish a couple ants out of my lemonade on a couple occasions...haha, I do miss some things about America). I didn't have the heart to tell her that the mouse was back in my room. Poor mama! Anyways, it was an eventful day in San Jose.

Oh, and another funny (sort of) animal story: one of my friends came home to her room yesterday and there were feathers all over her floor and bird poop on one of her books.  She found out later that somehow a bird had gotten into her room and the maid had killed it there...and I guess it just never got cleaned up? haha. I thought it was funny..but then again it wasn't my room lol. Interesting happenings these days...


  1. Poor mamma tica! I bet she appreciated your encouraging presence during her rough day. Glad the boys are OK.

  2. Not to be able to get to your boy. That would be so HARD! Glad he's OK. Any chance you can set a trap for your furry room-mate? Peanut butter is a sure thing in a trap in our basement :-)
